October 29, 2015

New Town Veterans observe 50th Anniversary of Vietnam War


By Edna Sailor

First of a two part series

"Unfortunately, It is too late for many of the veterans who are already gone," said Dave Hilleran, Commander of American Legion Post 290 in New Town as he addressed the 50th year Commemoration of the Vietnam War.

The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration is the official title given to the Department of Defense program developed in the 2008 National Defense Authorization Act. It provided for a ten-year 50th year Commemoration of the Vietnam War

All of that is good and is as it should be. But for members of the Western North Dakota Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter headquartered with Beck Sherven Post 290 in New Town, the commemoration is more than words on paper and speeches.

It is very up close and personal to each one of them. Veterans want the public to understand several things about them and their service during the Vietnam War. They gathered informally recently over barbeque fare for a combination recruitment and 50th year Commemoration event where they honored their two fallen comrades, Roger Foreman and Byron Kulland as they always do. The members of the Western North Dakota Vietnam Veteran Association shared their Vietnam experiences.

Dave Hilleran, American Legion Beck-Sherven Post 280 Commander talked about the project.

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