March 6, 2014

New Town to restart Neighborhood Watch


By Jerry W. Kram

The Bakken Boom has brought many changes to the region. Some of them are good, like jobs and new businesses. Some of the impacts are not so good, including a boom in the drug trade and an accompanying increase in crime.

The North Segment Office of the MHA Nation is moving to take a stand against the worse aspects of the boom by organizing New Town residents into a Neighborhood Watch. The Neighborhood Watch is made up of ordinary citizens who are trained to keep an eye on what is going on on their streets and around town. If they notice anything out of the ordinary, they let local law enforcement know so the situation can be investigated.

An organizing meeting for the New Town Neighborhood Watch will be held at the Northern Lights Community Center at 6 p..m. on March 18.

Jim Miller is organizing the watch for the North Segment office. Miller said New Town had a Neighborhood watch about eight years ago but that it was discontinued. With the increase in unfamiliar faces traveling through the area, North Segment Representative Ken Hall thought it would be a good idea to revive the watch and asked Miller to organize it.

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