December 18, 2009

New Town student serving two years on youth council

New Town student serving two years on youth council
Staff Writer

Major opportunities only come every once in great while and for New Town high school student Maloni Fox, it couldn’t have come any sooner.
Fox was recently appointed to the North Dakota Governor’s Youth Council.
It was an anonymous nomination that took her all the way to a council seat. Fox is the only Native American and one of two high school students in North Dakota currently serving terms on the council.
The NDGYC consists of 15 political advisers who help shape legislation that is later signed into law by Gov. John Hoeven. Each of the 15 members on the council were nominated by members of their community who thought they could represent their area best.
Sub committees are formed from the general Youth Council. They focus on specific problems that need to be addressed. Fox is currently on wellness/health and education committees.
Fox and five others work on issues under wellness/health. Alcoholism is the main problem they handle; the committee is trying to find ways to bring the alcohol abuse down among the youth in North Dakota.

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