June 15, 2017

New Town Schools transition to a new school year

By Jerry W. Kram
With graduation behind them and a new year in the offing, members of the New Town School Board started wrapping up the 2016-17 school year and started preparing for the 2017-18 school year.
This has been another year of growth for the district. Elementary Principal Rick Lindblad reported to the board that Edwin Loe Elementary had 508 students at the end of the year. That is nearly 40 more than last year and more than 125 more than the school held in 2013.
Lindblad proudly reported that for the first time since he began student attendance in the elementary was better than 95 percent. It has steadily increased from a low of 88 percent in 2011. Reducing absenteeism has been a priority of the school board and district for years.
Middle School Principal Andre DeCouteau told the board that Middle School attendance was also up, at 92.7 percent overall and with the sixth grad class topping 95 percent. Both DeCouteau and High School Principal John Gartner said that discipline problems were a little higher in May than previous months, but the year ended with fewer reported incidents than last year.

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