June 27, 2013

New Town School Board approves daycare plan

New Town School Board approves daycare plan
By Jerry W. Kram

Kids having kids is a fact of life.
“We don’t like and we discourage it, but we can’t close our eyes to it,” said New Town School Superintendent Marc Bluestone.
To help young mothers stay in school, the New Town School District will start a daycare this fall. Bluestone said it will cost the school district about $48,000 a year to operate, but if it helps two or three young mothers graduate every year, it will be worth it.
While students will have the first dibs on the limited number of slots for infants and young children, teachers will also be allowed to place children in the daycare. While the children of students can attend the daycare for free, teachers will be charged the going market rate. Bluestone said this will help keep some talented teachers on staff who would otherwise quit because of the lack of childcare in the community. He noted that some teachers have to drive their children to Plaza or Stanley every morning before they come to school to teach. He has already been approached by seven teachers who may need the service this fall.

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