March 19, 2010

New Town retains best tasting water

New Town retains best tasting water
All state health compliance issues met

New Town’s drinking water supply is arguably among the best tasting water in North Dakota and now the North Dakota Department of Health has acknowledged it.
But if you talk to the staff at the city’s water treatment plant, they will tell you they are just doing their job, but want to make sure the treatment is efficient, which in turn equates to good taste.
For at least the third year in a row, New Town has met all water safety requirements handed out by the North Dakota Department of Health and can now have bragging rights that the Mountrail County community’s water supply is some of the best tasting in the west, if not the entire state.
“Actually, for how hard the water comes in, we do a pretty good job,” said water superintendent Jim Nowell. “It comes in at 750 parts per million (iron) and we get it down to 250 parts per million. A lot of communities get if from 300 down to 200 and that’s just polishing it. Here, the water is treated, softened and filtered.”
The staff has to meet numerous criteria to pass the test, first by the Health Department and second by the residents of New Town.
Among those compliance issues include; coliform, lead and copper, consumer confidence, disinfectant, enhanced treatment, arsenic, backwash recycle and fluoride.

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