September 14, 2017

New Town ponders 2018 budget

By Jerry W. Kram
The New Town City Council held a special meeting to evaluate and approve the city’s preliminary budget for 2018 and review and make adjustments in the its 2017 budget.
The final budget must be presented to Mountrail County by early October.
Reviewing this year’s budget, the biggest adjustment will come in the city’s emergency fund. The fund was depleted at the start of the year when a series of storms dumped more than four feet of snow on local streets. The money was used for snow removal.
Next year’s budget shouldn’t be much different. The city should end the year with about $2.7 million in the bank and income and expenses of just under $11 million. About $450,000 of that budget comes from local property taxes. The largest components of the 2018 budget will be grants to complete the modification of the city sewage lagoons at $4.6 million. The next largest revenue item is oil and gas funds that are estimated at $2.9 million.

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