February 21, 2013

New Town Deputies patrolling the streets

New Town Deputies patrolling the streets

By Jerry W. Kram

One of the challenges faced by New Town Police Chief Art Walgren in creating a new police Department for New Town was finding qualified officers to act as his deputies. The New Town Police Department is now fully staffed with three deputies who have been working in the community a couple of months. They took the time to sit down with the New Town News to introduce themselves.

Andrew Eisenschenk
Andrew Eisenschenk, also known as “The Shank” at New Town High School, is the department’s school resource officer, or SRO. As the SRO, Eisenschenk spends about 75 percent of his time at the High School, Middle School and Edwin Loe Elementary School and the remainder of his time doing general duties for the police department.
Eisenschenk grew up in St. Cloud, Minn.. He is the second of four children. He is married with no kids. He studied graphic design in college but decided that wasn’t for him. When a back problem kept him from joining the military, he started investigating a career in law enforcement.
“I asked, ‘What’s the next best thing to the military,’” Eisenschenk said. “So I went to school for law enforcement and enjoyed every minute of it. After that I found a job out here.”
New Town is Eisenschenk’s first job in law enforcement. He said that he believes New Town is where he is meant to be. As SRO, he has a special role with the police department, working with the New Town School District.

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