July 23, 2020

New name for New Town?

Group proposes changing city’s name to Sakakawea

By Jerry W. Kram

If Bill Wilbur has his way, the City of New Town might get a new name on the map.
Wilber represented the New Town Livable Community group at last week’s New Town City Council meeting. The group has it’s roots in a project facilitated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development that encourages local residents to seek out projects that make their home towns more attractive to residents and businesses.
The group’s first project last year brought together artists and school children to create murals on fences on some of the vacant lots on Main Street. Wilber said the group also has permission from the building owner to create a large mural on the old Jason’s Super Valu building on Main Street and is looking for grants to fund the project, along with other projects to purchase benches and planters for Main Street business and identify funding for storefront improvements.
But Wilber’s bombshell was the idea that New Town needs a new name.
“If you look at it, New Town is nearly 70 years old,” Wilber said. “It isn’t new anymore.”
Wilber suggested changing the name of New Town to Sakakawea would honor the heritage of all the residents of New Town. It would also bring widespread publicity and build awareness for the community.

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