November 1, 2018

Native Veterans Freedom Flight

By Edna Sailor
The first ever North Dakota Native Veterans Honor Flight to Washington DC has come and gone and over a hundred veterans are back home now. The memories and the emotions of that experience will be with them for a lifetime.
Bill Hale, a member of Fort Berthold’s American Legion Myron Johnson Nathan Good Iron Post 271 helped plan the event along with others. The planning occurred over time on each reservation in North Dakota according to Hale.
State Senator, Richard Marcellais of Belcourt, a U.S. Army Vietnam War Veteran served as President of the North Dakota Native Veterans Honor Flight board and worked in conjunction with five tribal nations and the National Honor Flight Network. Hale and Bruce Nagel also served on the committee from Fort Berthold. Others attending from the Fort Berthold Reservation included Janet Mandan, Cor Hopkins and Leo Pretends Eagle.

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