October 18, 2012

Moving Day at NTHS

Moving Day at NTHS
Students pitch in for school move
By Jerry W. Kram

It was a new day in New Town Monday as students pitched in to move the New Town High School into its new digs.
“The move went pretty well,” said Superintendent Marc Bluestone. “We got 90 percent of the school moved to the new building on Monday. The kids were very cooperative and helpful.”
The public is invited to tour the new addition at 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 22. State Superintendent of Public Instruction Wayne Sanstead will be attending along with representatives from the New Town School Board and Three Affiliated Tribes Tribal Business Council. There will be a ribbon cutting and students will perform native dances.
“It will actually look a whole lot better in a month when everything is put away and right,” Bluestone said. “But I think this is really great for the community, the kids and the staff. I think this will be a legacy for the New Town schools that will last us another generation.”

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