May 28, 2020

Mountrail Williams Electric invests in New Town’s future

Mountrail Williams Electric invests in New Town’s future

By Jerry W. Kram

New Town is going to get a little bigger and brighter, thanks to a multi-million dollar investment from Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative. 
Dale Haugen, executive director of the cooperative, appeared before the New Town City Council Wednesday to begin the process of annexing into the city a piece of land the cooperative owns on the south edge of New Town. The site, right next to the MWEC substation, will be the home of the co-op’s new area service center. Haugen said the cooperative had outgrown its offices on Main Street in New Town.
“We kept coming back to the property by the substation,” Haugen said. “We looked all over for a place to build a new building. We looked at the area north of RTC on College Drive, but there was too much loose sand underneath where we wanted to build. We even looked up at Sanish but that property we already owned kept looking better.”
Haugen said the co-op was asking to have the site on 4th St. S annexed so the city will get the benefit of utility service to the building as well at the property taxes from the building. The two story building will have offices and meeting rooms on the street side and four bays for the cooperative’s trucks and equipment in the rear.

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