July 31, 2009

Montana instructor providing tools to revitalize the Mandan language

Montana instructor providing tools to revitalize the Mandan language
A business instructor at Little Big Horn College in Montana wants to see a renaissance in the Mandan language and is doing his part to make it happen.
Lanny Real Bird has released two audio CDs of Mandan words, statements, comments, responses and questions with plains sign language and a DVD with 200 Mandan words and short phrases with the plains sign language. The CDs have been in existence for a while, however, this is the first time they are publicly available and may be purchased at the Three Tribes Museum west of New Town.
The words are spoken by Edwin Benson, who speaks fluent Mandan. Real Bird provides the sign language on the DVD and speaks some of the phrases.
Real Bird calls it the Mandan Language Reinforcement Project. He cautions that the project isn’t designed to teach the language, such as a Rosetta Stone course. Instead, it is designed to reinforce what adults know and help children take the Mandan language to the next level.

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