June 10, 2011

Moisture delays New Town pool opening

Moisture delays New Town pool opening
Interim Editor

Splish splashing around the pool and joyful sounds of summer will have to wait another week or more as the New Town community pool works through final repairs before opening for the season.
According to pool manager Jim Miller the pool has faced a few setbacks this spring. With all of the moisture the area has received, some of the wetness seeped underneath the deck and lifted up the structure so now there is a dangerous crack in the patio.
Miller will have to wait for the moisture to dry before he can fill the area with mud. He hopes to have the project done so the pool can open no later than June 13.
“The weather has just through a loop in everything we have tried to get done,” Miller said.
After recent rains, the pool bowl contains water so Miller added they will have to wait for that to go down in order to finish some other minor repairs. So far this spring, the pool crew has been able to put on a fresh coat of paint as well as minor works here and there.

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