January 31, 2019

MHA leaders celebrate new beginnings

MHA leaders celebrate new beginnings

By Logan J. Davis
An appreciation ceremony for the MHA Nation from the recently-elected MHA Nation Tribal Business Council members last Saturday in the Four Bears Casino Ballroom. The venue was filled with well-wishers and positive words by all who took to the podium last Saturday.
Prior to the individual appreciation speeches made, there were prayers and homages paid to the character and work done by the four tribal leaders by several people before they were called on to give their speeches. The words spoken by those four members of the TBC who were sworn in after the last tribal election were that of respect for each other and a common commitment for a great future for the MHA Nation (Three Affiliated Tribes). Chairman Mark N. Fox, Councilwoman V. Judy Brugh, and Councilman Mervin Packineau and Councilman Cory Spotted Bear all shared their own unique visions for the future of their tribal members. They spoke of devotion, commitment and hope for a bright future for the people of MHA Nation.

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