September 1, 2016

Mandaree students “pay it forward”

By Jerry W. Kram
First thing in the morning it is hard to resist a good donut.
That gave fifth grade students in Mandaree the idea to get to school extra early at 7:30 a.m. to set up a donut stand in the entry lobby of the Mandaree Public School. They charged a dollar a donut to raise money for the Salvation Army for flood relief in Louisiana.
“As we were starting the school year we were working with the children to think nationwide and not just about ourselves,” said fifth grade teacher Shelley Ackerman. “We were aware of the flooding in Louisiana and Indiana had a tornado, so we are trying to create awareness about the world outside of Mandaree.”
Louisiana was hammered by a major storm that dumped nearly two feet of rain in just two days. More than 100,000 people have been forced from their homes in what some officials described as a “1,000 year flood event.”

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