October 22, 2015

Main Street to open in one week


By Jerry W. Kram

After 30 straight weeks of blocked roads, detours, no sidewalks and using the back door, the Main Street reconstruction project is down to its final seven days.

North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple will be coming to New Town on Wednesday, October 28 at 10 a.m. for a ribbon cutting ceremony that will officially mark the reopening of North Dakota Highway 23 through New Town.

Project superintendent for Marschuetz Construction Roger Watson said there is still a lot of work to be finished this week, but he said things will be ready for the ribbon cutting on Wednesday. The biggest things to be finished are getting the asphalt in on the entrances on the north side of the highway and some driveways at the east end of the project, and putting in the striping from the bypass entrance into town.

The striping is a plastic that is laid into a depression ground into the concrete. Watson said the grinder truck will start work this week and take four of five days to finish.

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