February 19, 2010

‘Go Red’ brings awareness of heart health

‘Go Red’ brings awareness of heart health

Wearing red can make a powerful statement and that is what Lilla Wells was hoping to accomplish Feb. 11 at the Northern Lights Community Center.
Wells, the health and nutrition coordinator for the Boys and Girls Club Holistic Wellness program, organized a local version of national Go Red Day and had great results.
Everyone was encouraged to drop by Northern Lights, have their blood pressure checked and be screened for diabetes, blood sugar and cholesterol. If they were wearing red, they were entered to win prizes.
Lavatta Fox and Shasta Mandan from the TAT diabetes program were providing the needle sticks for the blood draws, but at the conclusion of the screening, a “red” meal complete with tomato soup and cherry cake and frosting, was served.
“I want to create an awareness that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women,” Wells said. “I’m hoping to attract people who may not know this.”
Wells said the display area and the screening areas were busy the entire time the awareness campaign took place, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. She said some men also participated in the screening.
Wells said North Segment Representative Scott Eagle was the first in line to be screened. She called his gesture, “good leadership.”
The Go Red movement is a nationwide effort to raise this awareness of heart disease, according to Wells. She said ideally, women should get checked, then consider diet and exercise to mitigate the risks associated with the heart.

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