January 24, 2019

Looking for Main Street ideas

By Jerry W. Kram
The New Town City Council is looking for ways it can find money for its partnership with North Segment to demolish the old Vo-Ag building on Main Street and redevelop it as a recreation center for the community.
North Segment and the city have been working together on the project to provide recreational opportunities in New Town. The New Town School District donated the building and land to the city for redevelopment. The city has committed to demolishing the building and North Segment has committed to paying half of an estimated $4 million to $6 million to build a bowling alley and movie theater. North Segment would also provide staff and operating expenses for the project.
Mayor Dan Uran at a regular meeting of the New Town City Council said that right now the city’s budget is stretched to the limit. Projects underway or planned for 2019 include a new fire hall and ladder truck, improved sidewalks on East Avenue, upgrades to the city sewage lagoon and a water tower north of Cenex on Highway 1804.

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