May 28, 2010

Little Eagle Walking Club celebrates 28 years

Little Eagle Walking Club celebrates 28 years
Numerous kids receive awards, including walking shoes and bicycle

It’s been almost three decades since the Little Eagle Walking Club began in New Town and it continues to be a big reason for elementary kids to have fun, stay fit and work toward prizes.
Edwin Loe Elementary School librarian Geri Bratvold was the emcee of a special Little Eagle Walking Club awards ceremony on Wednesday morning in the school’s multi-purpose room. The room was full of students, teachers, parents and media to see who won awards for distance, as well as how each elementary grade did in their annual goals.
“When high school sports teams or musicians go to state competition, what do they do,” Bratvold asked the assembly? “They have a pep rally and cheerleaders do cheers to get everybody excited.”
That was the queue for a couple of teachers to act as cheerleaders, hold up signs with the Little Eagle slogan and get the kids excited.
“I’m a little Eagle walker, proud as can be.... I’m goin walkin’ - come along with me,” the children shouted en masse.
Shortly thereafter, Bratvold read off statistics of each individual class and whether they hit their goal or not. She started with the fifth grade.
With a goal of walking the equivalent of a trip to Denver, the fifth grade fell short, walking a total of 437 miles, 292 miles this year and 145 last year. However, Ryan Wheeling, Shylene Lyson and Terrance Steele were presented T-shirts for their efforts in walking 20 miles toward their goal.
The fourth grade walked a total of 607 miles this eyar and had a goal to reach the equivalent of Washington, D.C. Adding 415 last year for a total of 1,022, they too were short as the nation’s capital is almost 1,700 miles from New Town.

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