July 10, 2014

Jury duty scam attempted


By Jerry W. Kram

On the afternoon of July 8, 2014, Mountrail County Sheriff Ken Halvorson was notified by a New Town woman, that she had been contacted by a male individual who called her at home, stating he was Lt. Brian O’Connor with the Mountrail County Court.

He told her she had missed jury duty and needed to pay approximately $2000.00 right away or he would send an officer to arrest her. He told her to go to the Family Dollar Store and purchase four prepaid debit cards. When she went to the Family Dollar Store to complete the transaction she was told by employees of the store that they thought it was a scam.

She returned home and was contacted by the individual again and at that time she contacted Sheriff Halvorson. Sheriff Halvorson assured her that Mountrail County Court and Sheriff’s Office did not have an officer named Lt. Brian O’Connor working for them. She told the caller that before she would give any more information or send any money, that Sheriff Ken Halvorson would have to direct her to do so.

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