November 9, 2017

Interpretive Center would give MHA Nation a voice

Speaking stories:
Interpretive Center would give MHA Nation a voice
By Jerry W. Kram
“What stories do you want us to tell?”
That was the question Delphine Baker and Eric Zimmer put to members of the MHA Nation who attended a recent elders’ dinner at the Northern Lights Building in New Town. Baker is the head of a project to build an interpretive center for the MHA Nation and Zimmer is a consultant who helps plan and design such projects.
Baker said the interpretive center was recently approved for funding by the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council, but it has been on the drawing board for about 17 years. The project was the brainchild of the late Scott Eagle.
“It’s only in the last four years I’ve been on the project,” Baker said. “But it is finally going to get built.”

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