April 19, 2018

Interpretive Center design to be unveiled

By Jerry W. Kram

A community meeting will be held at the Northern Lights Community Center in New Town to unveil the design for the MHA Nation Interpretive Center. The meeting will be held Wednesday, April 25, at 6 p.m.
The Interpretive Center will be located at the Earth Lodge Village west of Four Bears Village. The project is being overseen by a steering committee including Twyla Baker-Demeray, Calvin Grinnell, Pete Coffey Sr., Claryca Mandan, Justin Deegan, Elijah Benson, Alisha Hall Deegan, and Lauren Good Day.
After a community feed, the committee will present the floorplan and initial design ideas for the exhibits. The committee will take comments and questions from community members.
In October, Delphine Baker and Eric Zimmer presented the idea of the center to tribal members at an elders’ dinner in New Town. Baker is the head of a project to build the interpretive center for the MHA Nation and Zimmer is a consultant who helps plan and design such projects.
Baker said the interpretive center was recently approved for funding by the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council, but it has been on the drawing board for about 17 years. The project was the brainchild of the late Scott Eagle.

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