August 16, 2018

Interpretive Center begins construction

By Jerry W. Kram
The idea to have a place where the Nueta, Hidatsa and Sahnish people could tell their own story, their way goes back more than a decade and a half. That dream became real Thursday as ground was broken for MHA Nation Interpretive Center at the Earth Lodge Village west of Four Bears.
The idea for the Center was first raised back in 2003, when the late Scott Eagle secured a small grant related to the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial that was used to draw up plans for the center. After the Bicentennial, however, no further funding was available so the plans just laid on the shelf.
In 2010, Delphine Baker took on the role to try and make an Interpretive Center for the MHA Nation a reality. As funding became available because of the oil boom, her committee was able to call for bids to design a new center. Architect Mike Laverdure with DSW Architects pulled the old plans off the shelf and presented them to the committee. Baker said having those plans, which only need minor revisions, saved the committee a considerable sum in engineering fees.

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