February 8, 2018

Inez and Casey Lee, a love story

By Edna Sailor
It all started with two little kids playing together in the school yard in Van Hook where Inez and Casey Lee grew up. The playmates’ casual relationship lasted until they got together at a dance in Van Hook in the summer of 1951. That summer their courtship began in earnest. Both Inez and Casey say that “they did things much differently back then when it came to dating,”
“We always knew each other growing up. I thought he was tall and not too bad looking and wondered if he should be my husband. I was getting to that age,” Inez said.
“She looked all right to me. She was friendly and a good cook and I thought she would make me a good farm wife,” Casey said.
“We used to go to a lot of movies and ran around together. Sometimes we went to a picnic or a baseball game. I liked it that he was a farmer and rancher because that is how I grew up too. He was a good dancer and as far as romantic, they all are at first” Inez said.

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