July 24, 2009

Housing Authority receives stimulus funds for reservation homes renovation

Housing Authority receives stimulus funds for reservation homes renovation
Forty-two homes on the Fort Berthold Reservation will be renovated and five will be replaced with $1.47 million in federal stimulus money that was announced Tuesday morning at the Fort Berthold Housing Authority.
It is the start of what the Three Affiliated Tribes Business Council and FBHA hope will alleviate a housing shortage quagmire that exists all across the reservation.
FBHA Executive Director Avallon Becky Knight said her agency is in the process of seeking two additional funding sources that have the potential to add $6 million to the pot of money for continued renovation and renewal.
According to Knight, one of the sources is a homeless grant FBHA hopes to secure through the Domestic Violence Network.
“This is to help the housing project of 210 homes,” Knight said of an ambitious goal to build more than 200 homes on the reservation. “We’re excited about home ownership and renovation.”

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