July 16, 2010

Highway 23 discussion continues

Highway 23 discussion continues
Concerns include oilfield traffic, safety and dollars to upgrade


Politicians, members of the Three Affiliated Tribes and the general public joined together to ponder the future of the infrastructure of N.D. Highway 23 July 8 in New Town.
Present for the meeting were Sen. Kent Conrad, D.N.D., Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D., North Dakota Department of Transportation Director Francis Ziegler, Three Affiliated Tribes Chairman Marcus Levings, New Town Mayor Dan Uran, District 4 Rep. Kenton Onstad, D-Parshall and President of Trustland Oil Co. Steve Kelly.
“The oil boom has created a tremendous opportunity for North Dakota, yet has caused stress on our infrastructure.” Conrad said as he opened the hearing. “Bringing this to Washington to committee will be hard as North Dakota is paid more in federal transportation aid than most states.”

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