May 14, 2010

Healthcare bill gets bum rap

Healthcare bill gets bum rap
People actually like some features
It may be popular to bash the new federal healthcare bill, but ask rural North Dakotans if they like what the bill accomplishes and often as not, the answer is “Yes.”
It’s a little like hating the way medicine tastes, but liking the cure it provides.
That’s the finding of the latest Prairie Poll, which asked people in 11 communities across North Dakota to share their opinions on the legislation.
Though 39 percent of those responding said the legislation is “mostly bad,” those polled view much more favorably many of the individual provisions in the bill.
For instance, three quarters of those polled said it is good to do away with the practice of denying people coverage because of pre-existing conditions.
Nearly two-thirds of those polled like the fact the legislation will allow young adults to continue to receive coverage on their parents’ plans up to age 26.
However, it’s a lot easier for people to favor the benefits of the legislation than the potential costs.
Two thirds of people oppose penalties for people who fail to purchase insurance.
Forty-four percent of those polled said they oppose the taxing of high end “Cadillac” plans.
Respondents from the Crosby area were most likely to label the legislation “mostly bad” with 60 percent choosing that description for the bill.

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