December 25, 2009

Head Start children enjoy winter sleigh ride

Head Start children enjoy winter sleigh ride

Levi Bruce admits he isn’t Santa Claus, but he’s working on it.
Bruce was in New Town Monday with his best team of horses to give Little Lodge Head Start children a winter sleigh ride and give them an idea of the route Santa Claus takes on his annual trip.
Late last week, Bruce provided rides for the 4 Feathers Head Start. He was drove the 4 Feathers group in the Parade of Lights.
Bruce said he takes young kids on sleigh rides every year about this time and won’t say so, but enjoys it as much as the kids. His horses enjoy it too.
On Monday, the first day of winter, Bruce had 8-year-old Jake and 9-year-old Jim hooked up to the sleigh and as children arrived for the ride, Jim and Jake anxiously waited for the order from Bruce to move out.
“I’ve been offered a lot of money for these horses,” Bruce said. “But I wouldn’t part with these guys for anything.”
As an example, Jim and Jake take commands very well from Bruce. Jake, who was riding left flank, moved to the left when Bruce said, “left, Jake.” Same with Jim on the right and the other horse would follow.
“Now trot, boys,” Bruce would say and the horses immediately picked up the pace. “Now slow down,” and that is exactly what they did. They took other commands as well, but Bruce generally moved his team at a slower pace for the sake of the children.

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