August 3, 2017

Hawk Estates expands tribal housing

By Jerry W. Kram
The Bakken Boom may have backed off but the need for housing in the region remains a top priority.
The housing supply in New Town got a boost this week as the North Segment Alliance opened the Hawk Estates Apartments on the north side of New Town. The two 36 unit apartment buildings will be home for tribal members of the MHA Nation.
North Segment Tribal Business Council Dr. Monica Mayer gave credit to her predecessor, Ken Hall, for initiating the project. She announced that from now on, all tribal housing in New Town will be drug free. All residents of tribal housing will be required to sign leases and if drugs use or underage drinking in any unit is reported to and confirmed by law enforcement, those residents will be evicted.
“I came in late to this process,” Mayer said. “We’ve come to the completion of it. I am very excited for our community members. I have toured the buildings and they are very nice and well built. We are looking at these buildings being here a long time and serving our people.”

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