December 13, 2012

Hall seeks answers about mother’s

Hall seeks answers about mother’s
By Jerry W. Kram

WANTED: Information on a truck involved in an accident east of Parshall.
Richard Hall is looking for answers. His mother, Marlene Deschamp-Hall, was victimized by a hit and run semi accident and he wants to find out who that driver was.
Hall does have some advantages in his search. He is the director of the MHA Nation Transportation Department, which oversees the MHA Highway Patrol. But he is also looking for information from the public that might help identify the driver of the truck that sent his mother to the hospital.
“My mom was heading up to Minot,” Hall said. “She was on the other side of Parshall on Highway 23 about a mile east of Parshall. She went to pass a slower car. There was a semi coming, but it was far enough off that she thought she could pass the slower car in time. But as she was passing, another semi that I guess was coming on too fast caught up and rear ended her.”
Hall said the truck sent Deschamp-Hall’s car spinning. The semi was hauling a water tanker, which also hit the car.
“The water tanker went right over the car and sent her into the ditch,” Hall said. “He just kept right on going.”
Hall said his mother described the truck as a maroon or brown semi with a sleeper carrying a water tanker. The truck should have traces of white paint on its bumper from where it hit Deschamp-Hall’s car.

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