November 10, 2016

Hall looks back on four years of accomplishments

By Jerry W. Kram
The last four years have been some of the tumultuous for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation since the completion of the Garrison Dam. Ken Hall has tried to manage the changes of the last few years for the benefit of New Town and the North Segment of the reservation as its representative on the Tribal Business Council.
Hall reflected on his four years on the council at a honoring dinner and get out the vote rally held at the Northern Lights Wellness Center last week. Hall decided not to run for reelection after serving one term on the council.
“Election day will be my last day on the council,” Hall said. “The always said four years will go by quick and they weren’t lying. For me it has been a humbling experience to serve your people.”
Hall said he has tried to cultivate a culture of “servant leadership” among his staff where the needs of the people of the community come first.
“I think we’ve done a pretty good job,” Hall said. “I hope people remember that I was honest and trustworthy and that I was accountable and transparent in my administration. Everything that I ran on, I hope people think I fulfilled them and that I was a man of my word.”
When asked about his accomplishments, Hall pointed to the reconstitution of the North Segment Community Development Corporation and its development of apartment complexes, trailer courts and businesses in and around New Town.

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