January 1, 2009

Group working to create awareness of under age drinking

Group working to create awareness of under age drinking

Thirty-two high school and college students stepped into unchartered territory Monday afternoon when they went bar hopping in New Town.
The students, escorted by a Three Affiliated Tribes police officer, visited the Players Pub, Corner Liquor and the Sportsman’s Bar to raise awareness about underage drinking and its risk factors. They placed red stickers on liquor bottles to let those purchasing know that it’s illegal to contribute to minors.
The task, which involved youth from Parshall and New Town, was a combined effort of the Fort Berthold Boys and Girls Club and the Fort Berthold MADD chapter. It will be repeated in Parshall in the near future before prom and graduation take place.
“We’re working with community and the establishments to reduce illegal drinking, contributing and DUI,” said Jarrett Baker, Boys and Girls Club coordinator. “So what we’re doing is helping them.”
Baker said the clubs aren’t against enjoying alcoholic beverages in moderation. But that’s for adults 21 and older. He said unfortunately, liquor is too easy to access for those under 21 and that is part of the issue.
“These are struggles and what we’re trying to do is encourage safety over the New Year’s holiday,” Baker said. “It’s not a target, it’s not a blame. As a community, we want to raise awareness to stop tragedies from happening.”

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