December 17, 2015

Grade school students explore science

By Jerry W. Kram

It’s ooey, it’s gooey and it’s SCIENCE!

Slime was one of the big topics at this year’s Edwin Loe Elementary School Science Fair. No less than three projects were devoted to the properties of artificial slime, a mixture of glue, water and borax that attracts children of all ages. Fourth grade teacher Lindsey Hoaby was in charge of this year’s fair.

"Slime did really good," Hoaby said. "It is one of the things kids were curious about. One really good project looked at what happens when they used different kinds of glue to make the slime. That was kind of neat."

There are three different kinds of projects students can do for the fair. They can investigate some scientific or cultural topic and do a presentation on it. One presentation described the Native American view of the stars and planets. They can demonstrate how things like light bulbs or magnets work. They can also do experiments, like finding out what kind of glue makes the best slime or like another project – seeing if a special store bought "bubble juggling" kit is better than generic bubble fluid and plain gloves.

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