June 8, 2017

Gordon Blake seeks Legion Region Vice-Commander slot

By Edna Sailor
Gordon Blake has officially announced his candidacy for the American Legion West Region Vice-Commander position.
Blake said he has “gotten his feet wet” in his current position as American Legion District 9 Commander.
“I learned a lot with this position and I figured that it might be helpful to move to a new level within the Legion. While everything is going well and the posts are the backbone of the organization, I do think we can always improve things. I would like to see better communication among the western districts,” Blake said.
The position covers Districts Six, Seven, Eight and Nine in western North Dakota.
“I am not kidding myself. There are many challenges along the way if I am elected. The issues that affect posts in District Nine also affect the rest of the districts. In a better effort to communicate with each other out here; websites and Facebook are already being worked on by others. We just want our membership to be able to stay informed and talk to each other with minimal obstacles. There is always more room for improvement in any group,” he said.

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