September 16, 2011

Frost dampens crop prospects

Frost dampens crop prospects
By Jerry W. Kram

Weather has been hard on small grains crops in Mountrail County but row crops were looking good. At least they were looking good until they were hit by an early frost this week.
Mountrail County Extension Agent Jim Hennessy said yields were disappointing in many parts of the county because of scab and the orange wheat blossom midge. Both scab and the midge hurt yields and test weight of the crops. This damage comes after many areas weren’t planted because the fields were too wet this spring.
Hennessy said elevators are doing a lot of testing for vomitoxin produced by the scab fungus. Vomitoxin can keep wheat and durum from being used for food and barley from making malting grade.
“Overall, I would say it has been a disappointing year for small grains,” Hennessy said. “The conditions just conspired for a poor crop.”
Hennessy said crops were generally better in the southern part of the county, but that midge was a problem near Roseglen and Plaza.

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