November 15, 2012

Feast welcomes veterans home

Feast welcomes veterans home
By Jerry W. Kram

It doesn’t matter when their war ended, it is never too late to thank our veterans and welcome them home.
On Monday, the Fort Berthold Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9061 Ladies Auxiliary gave the community another opportunity to show area veterans how they are respected and supported by the community. The Auxiliary prepared an extensive meal for the crowd of about 70 people. Traditional music was provided by the Oakdale singers and White Lodge singers who opened the program with a victory song.
Charles Moran, Sr. was the master of ceremonies and introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Steve Volk, commander of North Dakota Veterans of Foreign Wars. Volk grew up in Harvey and after joining the Navy volunteered for the Submarine Service. He spent much of the next 20 years underwater. He was on the first submarine in the Persian Gulf during the First Gulf War. After he retired from the service, he returned to North Dakota.
“I brag this state up to all the people I get to meet at meetings all around the country,” Volk said. “I’ve been around the world twice, and I never found another place I would rather be.”
Volk has been the commander of the North Dakota VFW in June. He recently toured the state attending VFW district meetings.

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