October 3, 2018

Fathering Faith at Fort Berthold

‘The Elders’ Part IV: The Catholic Mission
Gone, but not forgotten: the buildings of Fort Berthold’s Catholic Mission. An impressive photograph, which has stood the test of time, shows the ornate buildings of the mission, which once stood in the now inundated city of Elbowoods.
Christianity, whether it be protestant, or catholic, brought the reservation together like nothing else could in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Rev. C.L. Hall may have been the first missionary to come to Fort Berthold, but he wasn’t the only individual preaching, and/or teaching, the gospel of the Lord there.
Not much information exists on where the Catholic Mission started, but U.S. survey records in Bismarck confirm that the mission got its start at Like a Fishhook Village.

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