October 18, 2018

Fall brings a variety of events

By Edna Sailor
There was a time when fall was clearly signaled by the brilliance of orange and yellow leaves, raking them up and the perennial church supper held in almost every community.
One Annual Roast Beef Dinner coming soon is in rural Plaza at Shell Creek Lutheran Church. It is being held on October 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Cooks will feature roast beef and all of the trimmings. To find the church from Belden drive 13 miles east, 4 miles North and 1 mile east. From Plaza travel 13 miles North and 4 miles west. From Blaisdell travel eight miles south and one mile east. The event is a sit down dinner but take outs are also available.
Both Plaza First Lutheran Church and St. Anthony Catholic Church in New Town held suppers earlier in the season.
Other churches will partner with community events for fundraising. First Lutheran Church in Parshall will provide baked goods for the Parshall Community Fall Vendor Show scheduled for November 17 at Parshall High School. St.Bridget Catholic Church also participates in the event. It is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is still space available for vendors. The contact is Carol Zacher at 862-3356.

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