December 7, 2017

Fair weather blesses Parade of Lights

By Jerry W. Kram
It’s fair to say that in its 25 years of existence, the New Town Parade of Lights has witness just about every extreme of weather. From last year’s six inch snowfall to bone-chilling wind chills, most of those extremes have been a challenges to participants and spectators.
This year was different. This year was extreme – extremely nice.
With temperatures in the mid 40s during the afternoon and little wind and no snow, it was more like a beautiful fall day rather than the beginning of December. That brought out good sized crowds for the the Annual Craft Show and Bake Sales at the New Town Civic Center. When Santa showed up at 1 p.m., the line was longer than usual. But every good little boy and good little girl had their chance to tell the Jolly Old Elf what they wanted in their stocking on Christmas Day. The New Town Chamber made sure that every child got a sack of treats, and a lot of the parents got treats as well.

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