March 16, 2017

Environmental analysis complete

Van Hook drill site near lake shore
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has completed its environmental analysis on a proposal to drill oil wells on private land within the Fort Berthold Reservation near Lake Sakakawea.
With completion of this environmental analysis, the BLM will approve a permit for the Slawson Exploration Company to drill the first eight of 11 wells from a single well pad.
The well pad will be located approximately 800 feet from the lake, with the production facilities located three quarters of a mile away.
Although the well pad and facilities will be located on private land, the BLM must issue an approved permit to drill the Federally-managed leases, which will be accessed through horizontal drilling.
Officials said this area has seen significant oil and gas development in the past several years, with approximately 446 Federal, Tribal and allotted leases already in existence under Lake Sakakawea.

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