July 17, 2009

Energy Office releases oil impact grants; funds far short of requests

Energy Office releases oil impact grants; funds far short of requests
Oil impact grants have put Mountrail County’s political subdivisions in a catch 22 situation.
The county’s share of a 5 percent oil and gas gross production tax has increased since the last biennium, however, the amount received is far less than what was requested.
Mountrail County’s townships, communities and other subdivisions made 67 requests totaling $10.9 million and $848,000 was receieved. Mountrail County made 11 requests for road repairs totaling $5.57 million that wasn’t funded.
Jeff Engleson, the director of the Energy Development Impact Office in Bismarck, said none of the county governments received funding except Dunn because that county doesn’t have townships and it was paramount for township to receive funding.
“There needs to be a direct impact,” Engleson said. “If you look at Mountrail County’s balance sheet, it went up $5 million. So if you look at it, Mountrail County has some resources to help. Dunn has no townships so that was the only way to help them.”

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