February 14, 2013

Energy expo to focus on economic development

Energy expo to focus on economic development

By Jerry W. Kram

On March 19 and 20 the “Indigenous Nations Economic Development and Energy Summit” will be hosted at the Northern Lights Building in New Town.
MHA Nation Tribal Councilman L. Kenneth Hall is Chair of the Tribal Council Economic Development Committee. Councilman Hall is also Chairman of the Board of Missouri River Resources, the tribal energy development company. His office is helping organize the summit. This the the third energy summit to be held in New Town.
“The summit is evolving over the years,” Hall said. “This year the theme is building nation-to-nation through economic development. So we are inviting tribes to talk about our opportunities, not just on Fort Berthold, but how we can share ideas and resources and learn from each other.”
Hall said there has been a great deal of money invested in the region since the start of the oil boom, but that a lot of that growth has bypassed Fort Berthold. He said there were a number of reasons for that, including a lack of housing, limited locations to start new businesses and a reluctance of some financial groups to lend or invest on the reservation.

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