September 23, 2015

End may be in sight for Main Street Project

By Jerry W. Kram

Things are really hopping on Main Street. With just four weeks left in the schedule, Marschuetz Construction Project Manager Roger Watson is increasingly hopeful that traffic will be moving through New Town before the snow flies.

"There’s a lot going on right now and it is going good," Watson said. "We are still looking at opening things up to traffic in mid-October."

Watson said all that is left on the first phase of the project is to install permanent signage and striping, and to expose and raise the manholes on the streets. He said there will be some small repairs done and corrections made in every phase of the project, but those will be taken care of after the major work is completed. If there is time, those jobs will be completed this fall, otherwise they will be taken care of in the spring.

The bulk of the work is concentrated in the second and third phases of the project. The major work in the second phase of the project is installing the new red colored sidewalks. Watson said his crews are finishing sidewalks in a block a day. The sidewalk installation is starting with the area in front to Satermo’s Hardware and Jason’s SuperValu. The last step in phase two will be to install striping and permanent signage.

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