September 13, 2012

End in sight for school construction

End in sight for school construction
By Jerry W. Kram

New Town School Superintendent Marc Bluestone had hoped the first school board meeting of the 2012-13 school year would have been held in the new high school building that has been under construction for the last year. He has been getting used to disappointments, he said.
The building was to have been ready to move desks, lockers and other equipment back in June. Now the contractors say the building should be ready by Oct. 1, but Bluestone thinks Oct. 15 is more likely. Bluestone said the delay was caused by conflicts between the general contractor and subcontractors. He also told the board that some of the concrete work in the building was found to be substandard, but rather than delay the move into the winter, he reached an agreement with the contractor to repair the problems next summer.
“The deadline dates have come and gone many times,” Bluestone said. “It seems like one thing falls behind and then everything falls behind. It’s like a domino effect. But by Oct. 15, I think we can have some sort of ceremony after we have moved into the building. We will have an open house that evening for parents who want to come.”

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