November 9, 2017

Eating your way healthy

By Jerry W. Kram
Freddie Bitsoie thinks he has the best job in the world.
Bitsoie, a member of the Navajo Nation, is the head chef at the Mitsitam Cafe in the Smithsonian Museum of Native American History. (Mitsitam means “Let’s Eat” in the language of the Delaware and Piscataway peoples.) He also travels the country talking to people about reclaiming their traditional foodstuffs and learning to live a healthier livestyle.
That’s why he traveled to New Town to do a cooking demonstration for the Fort Berthold Diabetes Program at the Grand Ballroom of the 4 Bears Casino and Lodge. He prepared two dishes for the audience of about 200 people, a warm “Three Sisters Salad” featuring squash, sweet corn and white beans and a corn chowder.
“I do food demos for people,” Bitsoie said. “It is something of an introduction to how I cook and the basics of cooking. If they invite me back, then I do something more advanced.”

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