November 16, 2017

Eagles honor veterans’ service

By Edna Sailor
It was hard to know just how many veterans took part in the elaborate dinner in their honor this year, but there were dozens of people who attended to do just that. So many that the announcer kept saying we may need to move to a bigger setting next year.
Marc Bluestone, Superintendent of schools, not only represented the school, but he led the processional with the Eagle Staff for the entry at the beginning of the event.
Bluestone brings his own service and reverence for veterans with him through his own experiences. Bluestone served from the Army National Guard from 1982 to 1989. HE served with Combat Engineer Bravo as a Specialist 4th Class. The service allowed him to pay for his education when there were not many other options around.
It was that experience and the leadership skills he attained through his service that fosters a profound respect for all veterans.

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