October 9, 2009

Dressing up goofy for a good cause

Dressing up goofy for a good cause
Even though Tricia Wheeling appears to be on her way to a Halloween party in the photo above, she isn’t joking around when it comes to breast cancer.
Wheeling, a fourth grade teacher at Edwin Loe Elementary School in New Town, has spearheaded a full week of activities in the New Town School School District to coincide with Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Teachers and students this week have been encouraged to wear pink in some capacity, the color of breast cancer awareness. It is a way to show support, and raise funds, to fight this type of cancer, which claims approximately 24 lives a year in North Dakota, according to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
“Teachers have been diagnosed with breast cancer,” Wheeling said. “You may have a sister, a mom, so as a staff, this is important.”
Wheeling said the goal was to raise $400 this week to support breast cancer research. She said she has been organizing some sort of breast cancer awareness campaign every year, but has never set up a full week of activities that end today (Friday).
On Monday, teachers in the entire school district, K-12, were encouraged to wear pink hair. On Tuesday it was pink shirt day. On Wednesday, it was all out pink, on Thursday pink socks were the fashion and today, everyone who wore a pink hat, also donated $1 to the cause.
All donations from Breast Cancer Awareness Week in the New Town School District will go to “Susan G. Komen for the Cure” and are tax deductible. Susan G. Komen fought breast cancer and later died. Her fight inspired a global movement that is now the world’s leader in breast cancer awareness. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is located in Dallas.

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