August 11, 2016

Documentary will chronicle the Xo’ghsa

By Jerry W. Kram
Along with a few score riders and horses and a dozen volunteers, there were a few strangers following along on the 2016 Xo’ghsa Memorial Ride.
The quartet isn’t local, they are four filmmakers from California who were hired by the Three Affiliated Tribes to make a documentary about tribe and the March of Xo’ghsa. The Xo’ghsa are a band of Hidatsa that broke away and lived off the reservation for 25 years before being rounded up and forced to march 100 miles to Fort Berthold in the late winter of 1894. Lizbeth Chappell is directing the documentary.
“I’m very interested in untold stories,” Chappell said. “It’s been a big learning curve. It’s not quite what I expected. But my team and I rolled with the punches. Things happened and we filmed them.”

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