September 16, 2011

Discipline efforts mark beginning of school year

Discipline efforts mark beginning of school year
By Jerry W. Kram

Students have challenged teachers’ authority in the early going of the school year in New Town, resulting in the police being called to both the elementary and high schools.
Principals at the Elementary, Middle and High Schools all reported to the New Town School Board that they have been dealing with discipline problems in the first few weeks of the school year, but that conditions were rapidly improving after a rough start. Elementary Principal Danial Anderson said the police were called to the Edwin Loe Elementary School twice in the first week of school. The first incident the police were called because a student became physically aggressive and pushed a teacher. In the second incident a student fled the school grounds without permission. He added that there haven’t been any major discipline problems since that second incident.
“Since then the kids have done what the teacher says,” Anderson said.

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